Converting an ip address to integer and back is little straight forward in MySQL compared to SQL Server since SQL Server (2008) doesn't provide bit shift operators.
In short you can't do,
SELECT 1<<2nor
SELECT 3232261320 -- IP '' * (256*256*256*256*256*256) -- Left shift 6 bytes / (256*256*256*256*256*256*256) -- Right shift 7 bytes to get 2nd octet
One will encounter "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int". Even casting each integer to bigint will not solve the problem as the multiplication results in overflow of signed bigint. And there is no unsigned bigint in SQL Server.
Another way to solve this is to do the following in SQL Server by using bit AND. Retain only the byte that is off interest and then right shift the bits appropriately.
#-- IP '' SELECT (cast(3232261320 as bigint) & cast(4278190080 as bigint))/(256*256*256); SELECT (cast(3232261320 as bigint) & 16711680)/(256*256); SELECT (cast(3232261320 as bigint) & 65280)/(256); SELECT (cast(3232261320 as bigint) & 255); #- And the output will be 192 168 100 200
On systems with unsigned bigint you can also do (MySQL)
SELECT cast(3232261320*256*256*256*256 as unsigned) / (256*256*256*256*256*256*256) 4th_octet; SELECT cast(3232261320*256*256*256*256*256*256*256 as unsigned) / (256*256*256*256*256*256*256 as unsigned) as 1st_octet;
They will result in outputs 192 and 200 respectively.
With given ip you can simply run the following to get its integer value,
mysql toad> SELECT ( ((substring_index(ip, '.',1))<<24) + ((substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', 2), '.', -1))<<16) + ((substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', 3), '.', -1))<<8) + ((substring_index(substring_index(ip, '.', 4), '.', -1)<<0)) ) FROM ( SELECT '' as ip UNION ALL SELECT ip FROM som_ip_table; ) t;