Talend - Oracle - Java Path error

Few weeks ago on of our QA systems I installed Oracle 10g Express for testing and installation was smooth and all went well.  But recently, I needed to do some data profiling in a specific table in MySQL DW environment due to fact that some of queries were taking more than twice the amount of normal runs.  Specifically, one query that used to take 5-6 minutes churning through couple of million rows in a staging table started taking more than 15 minutes.  I suspected some data issue but needed to quickly run some tests knowing how the recent data profiles against earlier weeks data. 

I downloaded Talend Data Profiler to this new test machine (where I had Oracle 10g) and tried to install it.   Soon after double clicking on exe file, I got an error indicating something like "org.talend.rcp.branding.top.product could not be found." in configuration\12725000123.log.  The log also has some more information regarding which Java version it is trying to use and command line options passed to run it.  The error itself doesn't indicate much and this wasted quite a bit of time.

Going through manual of Talend I found out that profiler needs Java version 1.5 or later version.  But I was pretty sure that I had the latest Java environment on this box and checked twice by running java -version in cygwin and checking the path.  Also by visiting http://www.java.com then clicking on "Verify Installation" button.  They both indicated latest version.

cygwin$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_20"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
cygwin$ which java

Then on checking Windows "path" through
Start->Settings->Control Panel->System->Advanced Tab->Environment Variables->path, 
found out that Oracle had stuck its own java directory (version 1.4.2) in the beginning which was throwing off Talend installation.  I simply moved the oracle's path variable values
to the end of path string and restarted the installation.  This time data profiler found the right Java and all went well.

I wish Talend had thrown a better exception indicating which version of Java it needs and which version it found.


  1. I have configured in your way and its working. But when I am running code , its completing map 100 but reduce 0%/. Please I am facing this issue since long time please help me

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