Test table used for procedure:
CREATE TABLE cities ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); insert into cities (name) values ('London'), ('Manchester'), ('Bristol'), ('Birmingham'), ('Brighton');
Original stored procedure:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `cities_select_by_ids` $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `cities_select_by_ids`( in _cityIds varchar(1000) ) BEGIN SET @cityIds = _cityIds; PREPARE stmt FROM ' select id, name from cities where id in (?); '; EXECUTE stmt USING @cityIds; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END $$ DELIMITER ; call cities_select_by_ids_prepare('1, 2, 3'); #-- Only 1 city name returned (London).
One work around would be to split the string into individual elements and run the select as below.
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `cities_select_by_ids_2` ; CREATE PROCEDURE `cities_select_by_ids_2`( in cityIDs varchar(1000) ) BEGIN #- ix - index into the list of city IDs #- cid - city ID SET @ix := 1; SET @cid := substring_index(cityIDs, ',', @ix); LOOP_1: WHILE (@cid is not null) DO SELECT id, name FROM cities WHERE id in (@cid) ; #-- substring_index returns complete cityIDs string when index is > number of elements IF (length(substring_index(cityIDs, ',', @ix)) >= length(cityIDs)) THEN LEAVE LOOP_1; END IF; SET @ix := @ix + 1; SET @cid = substring_index(substring_index(cityIDs, ',', @ix), ',', -1); END WHILE; END #---- call cities_select_by_ids_2('1, 2, 3');
The problem is that you queried 3 times, in a stored procedure. Which is slower that concatinated SELECT query.
ReplyDeleteIt is returning the required results but is not optimized for performance as you correctly noted.
Delete/* Only Works in MySQL 5.0 and above */
SET @sql_text:=concat(
FROM db.table
ProjectId IN
/* BEGIN Parameter */
/* END Parameter */
' ORDER BY id ASC');
PREPARE stmt from @sql_text;
EXECUTE stmt ;
Thanks for the above code snippet.